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by treadlightly
Fri Nov 03, 2017 2:18 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter
Replies: 444
Views: 145258

Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter

philip964 wrote:MSNBC. Reporter criticizes Trump for not calling for the death penalty for the white shooter in Las Vegas, while calling for the death penalty for the Muslim truck driver in the recent terrorist attack in NYC.
This is just another example of Trump's bigotry, in this case his uncaring prejudice against the dead. No criminal should be denied service in the execution chamber based on race, creed, religion, orientation, or body temperature.

by treadlightly
Tue Oct 10, 2017 8:44 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter
Replies: 444
Views: 145258

Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter

Crud, this is going to put a ding in the stats - ... index.html
In the deposition, Paddock said he had a concealed weapons license in Texas, but, other than that, there was no discussion of guns.
by treadlightly
Tue Oct 03, 2017 9:37 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter
Replies: 444
Views: 145258

Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter

stroo wrote:I don't understand the ak 47. They generally are said to have an effective range of 300 yards well short of the ranges here. Maybe if he aimed it real high he could rainbow the rounds onto target.
About 26 inches drop at 300 yards - ... ics-chart/

There is a funny thing about shooting on slopes, though. Shooting either uphill or downhill raises the point of impact. It's a little hard to wrap your head around it, but it's true. Here's one explanation - ... wnhill.pdf

You can also consider drag on the x and y axes as velocity is moved from the x axis to the y as the angle is changed. Being a fairly dense lad, it always takes me a few moments with scratch paper to work out the forces.

But the main thing is 300 yards is lethal for a 9mm, 3/4's the weight and maybe 3/8's the velocity of a 7.62.

Edited to add - it's been a long day, and I'm tired. I fixated on 300 yards, when the range was more like 500. The drop is maybe ten feet at 500 yards on a level shot.
by treadlightly
Tue Oct 03, 2017 4:04 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter
Replies: 444
Views: 145258

Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter

parabelum wrote:Get ready. Even some talk show hosts I like are now in favor of "gun control". Sickening.
Curious as to who's on board with gun control.

Gun control seems to have actually worked in Las Vegas. It would have been insane, er, problematic to return fire at a hotel, but that doesn't seem to have been a problem. From what I've heard, the crowd wasn't armed, complying with event rules that prohibited guns.

The only non-LEO with a gun was the shooter, and how does a regulation stand up against what he was willing to do?
by treadlightly
Mon Oct 02, 2017 8:29 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter
Replies: 444
Views: 145258

Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter

What a horror, and some people will blame freedom for the works of insanity and evil.

If you could turn everyone on earth into bouncy little Mousekateers by banning guns and "common sense" idiocy, it would still be a bad plan.

With enough restrictions, like proactive solitary confinement for all, I guess you could prevent crime. Save me from that much safety, please.

Better a strong world than a vulnerable one. Better to live with risk than to sacrifice freedom for safety.

Now there's talk in the media of xray searches and metal detectors in hotels. I'd rather sleep in a pup tent.

Prayers to the victims and all affected by this madness.

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