This was one of the first things to blow up in the prosecution's face when they were persecuting Zimmerman with the "wannabe cop" theory. He was part of the Neighborhood Watch, which was basically see and report. The Sanford PD also had a "Citizens on Patrol" (COPs) (RottenApple wrote:....
It depends on the local NW organization. I've lived in areas where the NW volunteers were, as you say, just trained to be good witnesses. But I've also lived in places where the volunteers had regular patrol schedules. Just depends on how the local NW wants to run it.

The gal who ran the NW program, who was put on the stand by the prosecution, testified that Zimmerman was such a good Neighborhood Watch guy that she tried to recruit him for the COPS program -- but GZ declined, which pretty much undercut the "wannabe cop" theme.