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by ELB
Mon Jun 12, 2017 2:00 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Who Carries A Snub Nose Revolver
Replies: 42
Views: 13719

Re: Who Carries A Snub Nose Revolver

I sometimes carry a snub in an outside jacket pocket on the rare occasions when it is cold enough that I have to bundle up -- but I still have my G19 in an appendix holster. I really like snubs but I have not found them really any more convenient to carry than my G19 except for this one case. I have a beat-up looking Colt Detective that is also handy to stash as a back-up gun in dedicated hidey-holes, but it is always in addition to the G19, not in place of.

My wife carries an aluminum-frame snub in her purse, as far as I can tell solely because it is small and light and simple. She has a speed strip with her as well.

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