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by thatguyoverthere
Tue Sep 20, 2016 8:11 pm
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Adding 870 Mag Extension
Replies: 5
Views: 2102

Re: Adding 870 Mag Extension

Yeah, I had thought about that. Rim of 12 gauge shot shell is about 7/8 inch diameter. Smallest tail pipe expander I found was 1 and 1/8 inch, making it about 1/4 inch too big.

A friend suggested finding a socket just big enough to fit down into the magazine (minus the dimples) and drive that down into the magazine to press the dimples out. He said he did that on his own 870 and just had to do a little touch up with a Dremel and it worked pretty well for him. Guess I'll give that a shot if I can't come up with some kind of tapered tool or rod or something.

Not that big a deal, just trying to avoid drilling holes if I can.

But thanks for the suggestion anyway! :tiphat:
by thatguyoverthere
Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:06 am
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Adding 870 Mag Extension
Replies: 5
Views: 2102

Adding 870 Mag Extension

I'm wanting to put a mag extension on my late model Remington 870 shotgun, but it has the dimples in the end of the mag tube that have to come out first. I know I can drill them out or grind them out, and that's not a difficult task, but I'm not wild about having a couple of holes in the end of my magazine tube if I can help it. So if I can, I'd prefer to press them back out so they're flat instead of drilling them out.

I've got a "country boy" method that a friend suggested to try that I think will work ok, but before I do that, I was wondering if anyone on the board here in the North Texas area (Sherman, McKinney, Allen, Plano, Greenville) had a swage tool that I could borrow (or rent) for a day or two. Something like this from Brownell's: ... 75328.aspx

"Store-bought" or home made - doesn't matter as long as it works.

Or another ideas about methods on how to get the dimples out without drilling or grinding?

Thanks for your help. :tiphat:

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