I've had my CHL now for about 7 years and haven't seen a 30.06 sign yet. I live in a fairly large city and the only signs I've seen relating to carrying a firearm are on liquor stores and convenient stores. It's not a 30.06 sign and it says, the unlicensed carry of a handgun is prohibited on the premises. I personally don't care what kind of sign someone has posted. If they say no guns, I don't go in. They may be losing a customer, but if it's private property that's their right. No way am I going to risk losing my CHL to prove a point.
I'm new to the CHL forum and would also like to say howdy. I joined up mainly to keep an eye on what's going on with the open carry bills and to see what folks are saying about it. Living in a very populated city I won't be doing any open carry but I think it's a good thing. Won't have to worry about accidentally showing or printing. If out in the country,rural areas, or places where I know people won't freak out, I certainly would open carry. Lets hope the House gets it done.