I have a problem because I dont trust the feds, my time is valuable to me, and I randomly get delays from a common name. The idea of a SSN on the form is a myth, it has no effect.stephengauntt wrote:If a gun merchant wants to call in for a purchase I don't have any problem with it
He/She is just tring to be reputable and cover himself if there is a ???
If someone becomes barred from purchase before the expiration date on a CHL that is revoked
then there could be issues new fed laws passed etc that we won't like
There is no need to "cover himself", that is what the 4473 does. If you got a legit CHL card then he is only required to use it, he can not know if you just got busted for something and it was revoked. Straw purchases are in the same vein, the dealer cant know you are breaking the law if you dont tell him in some way. I had a pawn shop pull that crap on me and I walked out, it was ridiculous. They also wanted copies of my TDL and CHL "for their files". Pawn shops arent the most secure places and they had no need for my data.