PM sentCleverNickname wrote:Does anyone have a different copy of the linked PDF file? Something's up with the TABC website and the PDF download won't finish.
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- Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:29 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: TABC Proposed Rule Change and Impact on Guns Shows and Gun O
- Replies: 52
- Views: 9852
Re: TABC Proposed Rule Change and Impact on Guns Shows and G
- Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:27 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: TABC Proposed Rule Change and Impact on Guns Shows and Gun O
- Replies: 52
- Views: 9852
Re: TABC Proposed Rule Change and Impact on Guns Shows and G
PM sent.sjfcontrol wrote:Nope, still doesn't work. And the TSRA notice had zero details about what they were complaining about, just that it was bad.
- Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:39 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: TABC Proposed Rule Change and Impact on Guns Shows and Gun O
- Replies: 52
- Views: 9852
Re: TABC Proposed Rule Change and Impact on Guns Shows and G
CleverNickname wrote:Does anyone have a different copy of the linked PDF file? Something's up with the TABC website and the PDF download won't finish.
I changed it but if it still doesn't work try this:" onclick=";return false;
- Fri Aug 08, 2014 5:24 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: TABC Proposed Rule Change and Impact on Guns Shows and Gun O
- Replies: 52
- Views: 9852
TABC Proposed Rule Change and Impact on Guns Shows and Gun O
From TSRA If this is put into effect we will take a huge step backwards.
Texas State Rifle Association
Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission on Firearms
Dear Graves,
State agencies, such at the TABC, are tasked with creating operational rules within compliance with state law. On occasion agency rules are reviewed and updated to track current law. In this case current law has not changed.
Two weeks ago, TSRA was alerted to a rule revision within TABC rule 36.1 firearms. At first reading the proposed changes appeared to be simply "not good" but concern grew with every subsequent reading.
Phone calls to the agency, requesting clarification, have not been encouraging.
The changes deal with locations, private and public, with a TABC license or permit to sell alcohol, regardless of whether alcohol is sold or consumed. . .
Without question the proposed changes as written could have a devastating effect on gun shows and to various fundraising events such as FONRA, DU, TSRA Foundation and many others.
Your group will not be immune even if you own your own building. If a TABC license is on the premises or you hire a caterer with a TABC license, the rules will apply to you and to your event.
A copy of the proposed rules can be found here.
I urge you to review the rules, determine how they will negatively impact your local gun show or a fundraising event at your gun club, fraternal organization, or political group. Remember this impacts us all.
Comments in writing can be directed to Martin Wilson, Assistant General Counsel, PO Box 13127, Austin, Texas 78711-3127 or by FAX to 512-206-3280. Comments may also be submitted electronically through the Commission's public website." onclick=";return false;
Additionally, TABC attorneys and staff will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, August 19th, at 1:30 p.m. in the Commission meeting room at TABC headquarters, located at 5806 Mesa in Austin.
Remember these are "proposed rules", not yet adopted.
Texas gun owners need your help.
TSRA needs your help
The House and Senate Committees with TABC oversight have been alerted but we'd like to stop the rules here and now.
Thanks for your attention.
Keep the faith.
Alice Tripp
Texas State Rifle Association
Legislative Director
Quick Links
TSRA Website
Attention: TSRA members and Texas gun owners!
Remember TSRA and NRA provide the only pro-gun representation before the State Legislature.
Others have opinions, we have the facts!
Texas State Rifle Association
Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission on Firearms
Dear Graves,
State agencies, such at the TABC, are tasked with creating operational rules within compliance with state law. On occasion agency rules are reviewed and updated to track current law. In this case current law has not changed.
Two weeks ago, TSRA was alerted to a rule revision within TABC rule 36.1 firearms. At first reading the proposed changes appeared to be simply "not good" but concern grew with every subsequent reading.
Phone calls to the agency, requesting clarification, have not been encouraging.
The changes deal with locations, private and public, with a TABC license or permit to sell alcohol, regardless of whether alcohol is sold or consumed. . .
Without question the proposed changes as written could have a devastating effect on gun shows and to various fundraising events such as FONRA, DU, TSRA Foundation and many others.
Your group will not be immune even if you own your own building. If a TABC license is on the premises or you hire a caterer with a TABC license, the rules will apply to you and to your event.
A copy of the proposed rules can be found here.
I urge you to review the rules, determine how they will negatively impact your local gun show or a fundraising event at your gun club, fraternal organization, or political group. Remember this impacts us all.
Comments in writing can be directed to Martin Wilson, Assistant General Counsel, PO Box 13127, Austin, Texas 78711-3127 or by FAX to 512-206-3280. Comments may also be submitted electronically through the Commission's public website." onclick=";return false;
Additionally, TABC attorneys and staff will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, August 19th, at 1:30 p.m. in the Commission meeting room at TABC headquarters, located at 5806 Mesa in Austin.
Remember these are "proposed rules", not yet adopted.
Texas gun owners need your help.
TSRA needs your help
The House and Senate Committees with TABC oversight have been alerted but we'd like to stop the rules here and now.
Thanks for your attention.
Keep the faith.
Alice Tripp
Texas State Rifle Association
Legislative Director
Quick Links
TSRA Website
Attention: TSRA members and Texas gun owners!
Remember TSRA and NRA provide the only pro-gun representation before the State Legislature.
Others have opinions, we have the facts!