A person who carries a Beretta and does not, as a matter or routine and normalcy, flip up the thumb safety as they draw to fire is courting disaster.JLaw wrote:I own one of each. Something you may want to consider in your desicion:
If something really bad goes down, and your hearts beating 1,000 times a minute with the adrenaline flowing and the hands shaking and a split second to react, will you remember to disengage the safety on the 1911???
In all honesty I probably would not. Here's why...
I think the answer to the question above is all in the training. If you train with your 1911, including draws and dry fire, then you can probably answer that question without hesitation. Me? I carry revolvers for a reason. I want to pull the firearm and pull the trigger...period. That's why my preference (with my current skill level) would be the Beretta. My answer may be different if I train and practice with a 1911 however, the extra step of thumbing off the safety would no doubt become natural.
The 1911 is a true classic, I'll give it that. But the Beretta is sure a fine shooting pistol in my opinion.
Carrying with the safety off is no guarantee that it won't get engaged holstering it, moving against something etc. IMO, one should practice having that thumb stroke up.