longtooth wrote:Respectfully disagree sir.
Give up one freedom because it is necessary & a couple of yrs later there is another one to give up because it is necessary too. If backpacs are outlawed them they will Carry it in a briefcase, (hey that has already been thought of), then in an Igglo lunch bucket....
I'll keep mine.
We will deal w/ the criminals & terrorists.
I am very proud of my freedom too. But I am going to be proactive in noticing things like a back pack that seems out of place to me. I would be less likely to be more cautious (condition yellow) if the person walked off the street with a back pack without me seeing him get out of a car, then I would if someone got out of an old beat up car, just a few feet from the entrance of the theatre, clutching his back pack tightly, and clutching it the whole movie.
It comes down to the fact that I was there and I saw what was going on. Is it paranoid or common sense to wonder what was going on with that back pack knowing what I do today about all of the attacks that have happened in many parts of the world and by all different races? How does this situation relate to a personal safety situation? When is a person considered paranoid versus just keeping a watchful eye on his or her safety? Is a teenager smoking on a street corner across the street from you a threat to you or your safety? Do you just stumble on to your parking place, or around the corner without being cognizant of what is around that corner? Could that teenager be a spotter for the two gang bangers around the corner waiting on you? What I am saying is be alert. The people who die in an attack are those that didn't observe. They weren't ready for any attack. I'm saying I think we need to be ready for attacks even if they haven't started. I'm not talking about civil freedoms.
I don't think I would be concerned with P&BJelly's toting a back pack all over a big hospital campus because it would be in place to me. But I just don't agree with a back pack in a dark theatre.
We've lost many freedoms not because we haven't used them, but because we've turned our eyes and actions away from a government that does not have our interest at heart. I believe we can do more to protect our freedoms ourselves by being more watchful and proactive. Don't take things for granted. Be proactive. Watch what the government does. Be responsible for knowing what is going on around you. Question whether something you see or know is good or bad. I have seen videos lately that shows terrorists training to bring back packs into America and blow them up, along with our families and Americans. I am not afraid. I am watchful of this kind of attack to protect my family.
So back to my original question, When does a person call it paranoid instead of just being cautious as it related to personal defense of your safety and that of your family members? That was my original intended question.