I'm pretty sure there is a provision to pass the fine on to whatever authorized user was in the car.ShootDontTalk wrote:So red light cameras take facial photos as well? Even if a drug bust is on camera and witnessed, how would you get a conviction without someone identifying the defendant by some provable testimony? Numerous people say they have gotten red light fines when they were not driving the vehicle. The fines seem to be based upon whose name is on the registration, not who is actually driving. If that was accepted practice, an officer could ticket anyone they liked who happened to be in the car for a traffic infraction. Therein lies the rub.
Personally, I believe in enforcement the old fashioned way. If there is a particularly dangerous intersection post an officer there. Let him write tickets. I have faith in LEO's. I have somewhat less in self-serving bureaucrats. I know it costs. Let the politicians figure a way to put more officers on the force and quit wasting money on pet projects. BTW more and more court decisions are going against RLC's.
Much like toll infractions, the registered owner is responsible at the end of the day.