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by WildBill
Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:17 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Date night gone wrong
Replies: 113
Views: 19683

Re: Date night gone wrong

jmra wrote:
Sparky3131 wrote:
jmra wrote:
Sparky3131 wrote:She has since called and apologized for 'overreacting' about the whole thing and offered to make it up to me. Ehhh no thanks. I stick to hanging out with my dog :fire
Sounds like a great opportunity to make a convert. Tell her she could make it up to you by going with you to the range.

My father (USMC Ret. Vietnam ) told me once that you should always trust your first instincts. Your gut is usually correct. If that's how she reacts to carrying legally, imagine she when she sees the gun safes in my office. Or my elk, deer and bobcat mounts in my living room. Or finds me cleaning the dove I shot this morning. I'm not in the market for a drama queen. I just divorced one.
Not suggesting you marry the girl, just a trip to the range. I would think, after what she put you through, seeing her out of her comfort zone would be a little fun.
:iagree: Deciding to go out with her was your first instinct.
by WildBill
Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:37 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Date night gone wrong
Replies: 113
Views: 19683

Re: Date night gone wrong

Sparky3131 wrote:She has since called and apologized for 'overreacting' about the whole thing and offered to make it up to me. Ehhh no thanks. I stick to hanging out with my dog :fire
Why not? It's rare, an individual, who will apologize for overreacting. Especially when she doesn't have to.

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