There are plenty of ways to be cool - let your hair grow long, dye your hair, shave off your hair, wear cool makeup, wear cool clothes, listen to cool music,Abraham wrote:Piling on tattoos and punctured skin with a variety of cool things stuck in the holes like big safety pins, bolts, odds bit of this and that metal really work to convey what a super cool person you are.
Hey, even if you're a dull, pasty skin, plain ole ordinary white person working at Dairy Queen, you can automatically assume cool person status if you get wildly tatted, punctured, hung with metal gadgets and let's not forget your ears with stuff engorged so big in them it's referred to as gauges. Man oh man, you are so cool.
Now, if you do all these things, no matter how talentless, or boring you are, you ARE cool. Remember that!
watch cool movies, hang out in cool places, talk to cool people, eat cool food and drink cool beverages.
The difference is that all of these "cool" things are totally reversible.