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by WildBill
Mon Apr 11, 2016 12:59 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Replies: 57
Views: 18233


Abraham wrote:Piling on tattoos and punctured skin with a variety of cool things stuck in the holes like big safety pins, bolts, odds bit of this and that metal really work to convey what a super cool person you are.

Hey, even if you're a dull, pasty skin, plain ole ordinary white person working at Dairy Queen, you can automatically assume cool person status if you get wildly tatted, punctured, hung with metal gadgets and let's not forget your ears with stuff engorged so big in them it's referred to as gauges. Man oh man, you are so cool.

Now, if you do all these things, no matter how talentless, or boring you are, you ARE cool. Remember that!
There are plenty of ways to be cool - let your hair grow long, dye your hair, shave off your hair, wear cool makeup, wear cool clothes, listen to cool music,
watch cool movies, hang out in cool places, talk to cool people, eat cool food and drink cool beverages.

The difference is that all of these "cool" things are totally reversible. :tiphat:
by WildBill
Sat Apr 09, 2016 7:48 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Replies: 57
Views: 18233


The Annoyed Man wrote:
Abraham wrote:TAM,

I had to take a second look as "moob Jewelry" holds no interest for me.

The only puncturing/metal stuck through the hole I find normal is ear rings on girls.

The rest of humanity that puncture themselves wily nily, stick some metal in the new hole, just make me grimace with disgust.

Sadly, I think most who participate in this practice of "bits of metal gone wild" are trying hard to be non-conformist, except when they get together.

Then, the non-conformist is the one with no metal pieces sticking out here and there...what a weirdo.
Hey, you're preaching to a guy who has no tats or piercings, has stayed that way for 63 years*, and intends to die that way. :mrgreen:

There's always an *...... Here's mine.....

When I was 18, I was enamored if a certain young lass if what you might call "free spirit". I would have done almost anything to get to know her in a more carnal way, and in my case, letting her pierce my ear was the price of entry. Luckily for me, about a week later, my father.....a man who never griped about my long hair or clothing choices at the time.....saw it for the first time and immediately asked me a question. He said, "Tell me son, do you like living here rent free?" To which, I replied in the affirmative. He then said, "take it out now and let it heal closed, and don't ever let me see that thing in your ear again". He was safe in being that specific as to anatomy, because there isn't enough beer in the world to entice me into pearling any other part of me.
Abraham, TAM and I grew up in a different era.
I never even THOUGHT about getting a piercing or tattoo.
Back then it seemed that the only people who had them were sailors and guys in biker gangs.
The only woman I knew with a tattoo was a friend's mother who had gotten it in a Nazi concentration camp.

Years later, I dated a woman for a short time. One night she took me to meet her parents.
The next day she told me that her parents really liked me a lot.
I was kind of proud and impressed until she added "you're the only guy I ever brought home who didn't have tattoos. :lol:

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