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by Glockedandlocked
Sat Mar 12, 2016 7:04 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Disarmed by uninformed officer
Replies: 130
Views: 35536

Re: Disarmed by uninformed officer

Report it to the Sheriff, the department needs to do some more training and inform the deputies of what the laws actually say before they are on the receiving end of a civil suit.

By reaching out and touching you with no probable cause or your permission he actually committed an assault and theft by taking your legally carried weapon without legal authority to do so.

In order to take action we have to be in a place we are authorized to be, have reasonable suspicion that a crime is occurring or has occurred, or witness the act in question.

There are a lot of things officers do under color of office while lacking the actual authority to do them.

It is impossible for us to know every law, but easy to make a mistake based on misinformation.

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