But you do realize that you are risking a ticket for $200 (if the police arrive before you leave, and the arriving officer is ignorant)? Then you will have to go before a judge (if the DA is also ignorant). And you might have to appeal a conviction (if the judge is also ignorant). You could have multiple appeals in front of you if we have a huge issue with truly ignorant judges throughout our justice system. One semi-intelligent person in this chain will of course result in no further issues. And you will be able to file a civil suit for your damages. Maybe you will get lucky the other way, with a similar level of ignorance on the part of the judge / jury in your civil suit and you will win 10 bazillion dollars. Hey, as long as we are in the land of baseless hypotheticals assuming that the world is full of idiots, then the sky is the limit, right?twomillenium wrote:I know that this does not speak for the intent of all gun buster signs. I know of at least 4 proprietors that post these, knowing it is not the right 30.06 signage, all claim they do not mean to restrict licensed carry. They seem to think it some how thwarts unlicensed (all ready illegal), it makes the liberal customers feel good (they don't understand there is proper signage), and the licensed folks who don't know the difference probably don't practice enough to be competent enough to carry. There are many more liberal or unknowledgeable patrons than patron who know the difference. You ask how I know this? Because the have taken my course and we have discussed it. I understand not wanting to be the test case, but the law is very specific in my opinion and I try to live life in preparedness and not fear.cedarparkdad987 wrote:Until a court case tests it, you are making yourself potentially liable if you walk past one. That's fine, you should just be aware. Considering this is a place that is telling you up front that they don't want your money, why give it to them?rtschl wrote:Can't speak for anyone else and admittedly I do not want to be the test case for anything. But why would we treat something as "completely valid" that is contrary to the statute? I think you have it backwards - until a court invalidates the law a gunbuster sign is not compliant and does not provide proper notice for LTC holders.cedarparkdad987 wrote:Has it been tested in a court of law up through the appellate process? If not, do you desire to be the test case? If not, treat it as completely valid.twomillenium wrote:Debate this all you want, the 30.06 & 30.07 signs or written on a card in the exact language given or oral notification to that person stating that that firearms or not allowed are the only notifications I teach and am concerned with. That is what the law says and that is what I was told when I took the instructors courses. Yes, I have heard an officer or two interpret this different but I just figured they are in the group that didn't learn how to tie their shoes until they were in their teens.
Edit: to be clear I agree that they are not valid. I would just caution against taking the risk, to give someone money who doesn't want your money.
BTW, you are taking the same risks by driving to work, or walking to your mailbox, or even just by existing. If we base our decisions on not wanting to be charged for anything that is clearly legal, then we best just stay in bed.