To bad the general public would have no idea what the signs would even mean. Kim Kardashian or the likes would have to Facebook or tweet something about it to inform like 80%of general population.Surgeon wrote:Liberals are always the first ones to claim, "the science is settled" when it comes to the debate on Global Warming/Climate Change/Weather.
How about bathroom doors with XX and XY on them....
That science has been settled a long time ago.
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- Fri Apr 29, 2016 3:35 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: Ladies Will You CC at Target?
- Replies: 85
- Views: 16266
Re: Ladies Will You CC at Target?
- Thu Apr 28, 2016 8:21 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: Ladies Will You CC at Target?
- Replies: 85
- Views: 16266
Re: Ladies Will You CC at Target?
"tyranny of whining voices" That is a GREAT phrase. That is exactly why I left CA. That and my 2007 f150 truck registration was $375.00 for one year and another $80 for smog.Middle Age Russ wrote:The principles / values that I referred to, and which propelled this nation forward did not include slavery, a lack of women's suffrage, etc... Those were accepted norms at the time that rightfully fell by the wayside over time. The Founding principles and values I referred to are those that affirm human rights, and these same values / principles enshrined in both the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights ultimately cleared a path to emancipation and suffrage.
I do agree that, like concealed carry, what happens in the room formerly known as the Ladies Room is likely to largely remain unknown outside those doors. And it generally should be. I also agree that liberty/freedom is a value to be cherished and celebrated. That is where I really have the biggest issues with these SJWs. They are doing everything in their power to eliminate the freedom of others who think/believe differently, creating a tyranny of whining voices, if you will.
And man the whole slavery and women suffrage were just examples I was in no way saying you supported that crap. And I think you know that.
But back to Targets statement, if you are a chick with a dingy, the Declaration of Independence also applies to you and there is that phrase in there "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" you probably do feel you are missing out on those last two to a degree. My thing is let people be who they are as long as they aren't physical hurting anyone else so what if a he/she goes in whatever bathroom. It's really the perv aspect that needs to be addressed but those instances are going to be so rare if any why get worked up over it.
And I intentionally left out "emotionally hurt" by someones actions of just going into whatever bathroom they identify with. To those that are emotionally hurt by that because of opinion, values, principles, religious beliefs or whatever your deal is you need to put your big boy pants on and not be part of the "tyranny of whining voices" because that is the group you are part of. Same also goes with things like gay marriage, seeing someone open carrying a gun, and terms such as Islamophobia and calling your buddy retarded when he does something stupid. Both sides, the liberal left and the religious right are both just as guilty of this garbage.
There are real actions of emotion pain but this subject is in no way one of them.
- Thu Apr 28, 2016 7:16 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: Ladies Will You CC at Target?
- Replies: 85
- Views: 16266
Re: Ladies Will You CC at Target?
Oh trust me nobody dislike the SJW types more than I do. And if you believe this to be a terrible path society is going down by all means you should make your voice heard. That is the beauty that is this country you can speak your mind and act with your dollar. Why do you think I left CA? Tired of some of that crap so I took my voice and dollar to Texas.Middle Age Russ wrote:SIRIT, I understand your point about "it being a non-event" and getting folks worked up on one side or another of an issue as a political tactic -- to a point. I am certainly not going to bash you for your views, though.
I do think this is an event that requires action -- or inaction as it may be in the case of a boycott -- of some of us. This policy is tacit surrender to the LGBT Social Justice Warriors (SJW), who just happen to be loud enough and committed enough to ensure their voices are heard above all others. Raising our voices a bit and challenging the changes they would make is the least we can do. Enacting this policy is also another instance of denying/marginalizing the traditional, society-affirming values that formed this country and ultimately propelled its citizenry to the highest standard of living in the world. Systematically destroying morals and values is no way to improve society, and allowing it to occur without acting makes one complicit in the destruction. I choose not to help the destroyers along their path.
My issue is that anti-gun types constantly make statements about things they don't like by using the women and children and safety as the benchmark in their argument and we (pro-gunners) always point out how ridiculous it is. But then we turn around and do the same exact on an issue like this. Are there going to be the rare instances of some perv taking advantage of situation? Yes there will. Will there be instances of some redneck yahoo doing something dumb with a gun? Oh there are many (and they always seem to post it on YouTube for the world to see unfortunately).
And to the point of "Enacting this policy is also another instance of denying/marginalizing the traditional, society-affirming values that formed this country and ultimately propelled its citizenry to the highest standard of living in the world." You need to remember when this country was formed slavery was legal, women couldn't vote or own land, and marijuana was not only legal but common. Those are some of the "traditional, society-affirming values that formed this country" and it has all evolved to were we are today. I for one wouldn't want to go back to those set of values (except the last one I am from CA after all(and a number of heads just exploded)).
But seriously times change. Things change. We make statements like that but forget that there were things that at the time people were angry to loose in their society but in fact made us a better nation. Now do I thing a girl with a dingy should be parading around a women's restroom at Target? Heck no. But if someone really feels that way goes in there does their business and leaves nobody is going to know anyway. Yes there will be pervs and redneck yahoos but we live in a free society and with that we will have to deal with things we think are wrong on a personal/religious level but the alternative is in country's all over the world and I don't want to live anywhere but the US.
- Thu Apr 28, 2016 5:58 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: Ladies Will You CC at Target?
- Replies: 85
- Views: 16266
Re: Ladies Will You CC at Target?
This whole thing is the same as the anti-gunners stance pre-open carry. They said all this stuff about how horrible it will be and absolutely nothing happened. Complete non-event. The conservative side is handling this the way Anti-gunners handle that. Using scare tactics. Women and children will be hurt, downfall of society, and on and on. This too will be a non event.
Let the bashing begin for this statement. I have lived in Texas for about 2 years. I moved here from (you guessed it) CA. This crap has been happening for a number of years out there and unless you are in the bay area or certain areas of LA or San Diego where activist who push this stuff live then it is always a non-event.
By posting things and getting worked up over stuff like this you are playing right into how politicians want you to be. They want you to clearly pick DEM or REP. Stuff like this drives certain people and their MONEY to REP side, anti-gun crap drives certain people and their MONEY to DEM side.
And those that say stuff like "I will boycott Target and shop Walmart". If you think for a minute if one of these he/she people want to go in a certain bathroom at Walmart that anyone there will do anything about it you are wrong. Walmart is not above being sued and dragged through public opinion any less than any other major corporation. They may not publicly state this policy (like Target) but it is there and their lawyers ARE telling them not to push this issue.
Let the bashing begin for this statement. I have lived in Texas for about 2 years. I moved here from (you guessed it) CA. This crap has been happening for a number of years out there and unless you are in the bay area or certain areas of LA or San Diego where activist who push this stuff live then it is always a non-event.
By posting things and getting worked up over stuff like this you are playing right into how politicians want you to be. They want you to clearly pick DEM or REP. Stuff like this drives certain people and their MONEY to REP side, anti-gun crap drives certain people and their MONEY to DEM side.
And those that say stuff like "I will boycott Target and shop Walmart". If you think for a minute if one of these he/she people want to go in a certain bathroom at Walmart that anyone there will do anything about it you are wrong. Walmart is not above being sued and dragged through public opinion any less than any other major corporation. They may not publicly state this policy (like Target) but it is there and their lawyers ARE telling them not to push this issue.