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by imkopaka
Mon Jun 01, 2020 8:09 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Odessa Rifle Carry, Law Discussion
Replies: 18
Views: 11551

Re: Odessa Rifle Carry, Law Discussion

G.A. Heath wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 7:34 pm
imkopaka wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 7:26 pm Update: A certain group we all know is organizing a protest in Odessa on June 6 (interesting day to "storm the beaches" if you ask me). They are encouraging 150 people to show up armed to the teeth to "teach that son of a [you-know-what] sheriff a lesson." They've announced in official releases that if their members in attendance do not believe they have broken any laws, they "will not allow an officer to arrest" them.

It sounds like they're out for blood. It could just be posturing and spectacle (their typical weapon of choice) but with national tensions with police where they are right now, this could get messy very quickly. ... -arrested/ ... 11671.html
I've been watching this one closely. I suspect that the group will either loose face or some members will get arrested, which is also one of their preferred tactics. I had plans that could have put me in or near Midland/Odessa on Saturday, now I am avoiding the area (Me and one of the group's leaders do not particularly like each other).
I was considering rearranging my schedule to be there. After seeing the comments from their leaders, reading the legal opinions of members here, and seeing the chaos across the country right now, I decided this wasn't a hill worth dying on. I'll be in Lubbock on Saturday with the wife and kids. If you're in the area let me know and we should totally meet up for lunch.
by imkopaka
Sun May 31, 2020 7:26 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Odessa Rifle Carry, Law Discussion
Replies: 18
Views: 11551

Re: Odessa Rifle Carry, Law Discussion

Update: A certain group we all know is organizing a protest in Odessa on June 6 (interesting day to "storm the beaches" if you ask me). They are encouraging 150 people to show up armed to the teeth to "teach that son of a [you-know-what] sheriff a lesson." They've announced in official releases that if their members in attendance do not believe they have broken any laws, they "will not allow an officer to arrest" them.

It sounds like they're out for blood. It could just be posturing and spectacle (their typical weapon of choice) but with national tensions with police where they are right now, this could get messy very quickly. ... -arrested/ ... 11671.html

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