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by 338winmag
Fri Jun 21, 2019 6:56 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
Replies: 1085
Views: 392536

Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?

I went to the Liberty county court house today to get a license plate for a trailer. The license office is about 10 ft. past the 2 officers, and the metal detectors at the front door. I also had to turn in my pocket knife. They have both 30.06/07 signs on the front doors. They are in red, which when viewed against the black background really isn't contrasting. This is a multi-use building which also houses court rooms and offices.

I know I have to write a letter to someone, about this. Who is this? I'm assuming it's the county judge. Do I have to also address the letter to the rest of the county commissioners?

How long do I have to wait until I send a copy of the letter to the AG? What else do I have to send to the AG along with the letter?

I'm assuming some good will come of this.

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