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by RSX11
Tue Jun 04, 2019 1:47 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Nobody but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Replies: 713
Views: 259283

Re: Nobody but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Can’t find the free market everyone is talking about where all the groceries are free. Babylon Bee.
This reminds me - a couple months back, I went on a riverboat cruise in the Netherlands and Belgium. One of the cities we stopped in was Arnhem - site of the famous "Bridge Too Far" battle in WWII, where the IX and X SS Panzer Divisions stopped an attempt by the Allies to outflank and cut off the German forces, and end the war by Christmas . I had to explain to more than a few people on the cruise that the "Operation Market Garden" (the name of the Allied operation) excursion tour was going to have neither a Market, nor a Garden...
by RSX11
Mon Nov 19, 2018 5:27 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Nobody but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Replies: 713
Views: 259283

Re: Nobody but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Will/can someone explain their interpretation of her quote inside her photo
She didn't actually say that - it's an old quote, usually attributed to JK Galbraith. It's an ironic statement that both systems can be oppressive. Not that I totally agree with him, and I do agree that AOC is an idiot.

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