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by bblhd672
Mon Feb 12, 2018 9:07 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Interesting Non Car Buying Experience
Replies: 51
Views: 16124

Re: Interesting Non Car Buying Experience

When my wife wanted to buy a new to her automobile we went to the dealership and found what she wanted. Negotiations started with my wife telling the salesman exactly what she wanted to pay, how much down payment and the monthly payment she wanted. He did his calculations and started explaining to me the numbers, she interrupted him and said no that’s not what I want, repeated her desires and asked him to work the numbers again. He ran the numbers again and started to explain them to me, basically ignoring the fact that it was her buying the vehicle. I stopped him and said if you continue to try to sell me a car you are not going to be successful because I’m not buying she is. He paid the price for his stupidity because she is a hard negotiator and willing to walk away. In finance office the guy started same thing and she gave him a verbal smack down that made me smile.
In the end, she got what she wanted. The service manager came in while we were waiting for them to wash the SUV and said he was putting new tires on it because he wasn’t comfortable with the ones that were on it. He was the only one who spoke directly to my wife from the beginning.

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