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by Ericjd0887
Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:28 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Question regarding signage
Replies: 5
Views: 3850

Question regarding signage

This might be a silly question, so forgive me. But my question is most places that post a 30.06 sign also post 30.07 signs as well, basically saying no guns allowed, but what if you come across a place that only has a 30.06 sign? Does this mean as a person who has a ltc, do you have to carry openly? The reason I ask this is because according to the Texas 3006 website/app... a hotel
I will be staying at in the Dallas area has a valid 30.06 sign posted but doesn't say anything about a 30.07 sign up
As well. And I would assume that even with a 30.06 sign up, once I got to my room, that wouldn't apply anymore?

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