Under the old code, GC §411.204. NOTICE REQUIRED ON CERTAIN PREMISES stated the sign had to be postedmrvmax wrote:I'm in Corpus Christi at Spohn due to my father in law being in ICU. I got there late last night and I coudl have sworn I saw a 30.06 sign with a 51. I went by real quickly, so I will take a better look today and snap a picture if I can. I gues they got mixed up with the wording of 411.204 and never read section (b). The 30.06 was not in compliance anyway. If I can get a pic I'll post it when I get back home later this week.
(b) A hospital licensed under Chapter 241, Health and Safety Code,
or a nursing home licensed under Chapter 242, Health and Safety
Code, shall prominently display at each entrance to the hospital or
nursing home, as appropriate, a sign that complies with the requirements
of Subsection (c) other than the requirement that the sign
include on its face the number "51".
(c) The sign required under Subsections (a) and (b) must give
notice in both English and Spanish that it is unlawful for a person
licensed under this subchapter to carry a handgun on the premises.
The sign must appear in contrasting colors with block letters at least
one inch in height and must include on its face the number "51" printed
in solid red at least five inches in height. The sign shall be displayed in
a conspicuous manner clearly visible to the public.
So a few hospitals posted these signs, but included the 51% in error.
Under the new laws, it has to be a proper 30.06 posted.
HOWEVER, depending on the local police department and the hospital, they may feel that is adequate notice and if you are outted, arrest you (or at minimum give you verbal notice.)
In other words, you may beat the rap but not the ride if they want to try and detain you over it.