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by Keith B
Thu Oct 14, 2010 9:46 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!
Replies: 65
Views: 9605

Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,

gemini wrote:2up1down: "Just remember that next ticket you may receive may be courtesy of a Professional Truck Driver who values your life and everyone else on the road more than you do. I make no apologies for doing everything I can to insure the safety of ALL who use our roadways. Amateur race car drivers need to leave it to their video games."

If you're suggesting that all Professional Truck Drivers are safe motorists, values everyone elses life more than their
own..... surely you jest.
I will agree with 2up1down. He said 'professional' truck driver. There are truck drivers, and there are people who drive trucks. I come from a family of professional truck drivers. Had 2 uncles that drove for over 30 years each; one had a 4 million mile safe driving record, and the other had a 3.5 million mile record. That means no accidents that were their fault. These guys were PROFESSIONAL drivers. There were the bad ones on the roads even back in their days, but they usually didn't last long. Today, when you see a driver doing something dumb, especially in a large trucking company truck, is call it in. The dispatchers will immediately contact that driver and have them pull off the road and asses their demeanor before allowing them to return to the road, and then write up the call/report for a supervisor to review.
by Keith B
Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:54 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!
Replies: 65
Views: 9605

Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!

jimlongley wrote:
Keith B wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:It will save everyone some money and lots of angst if you'll just leave a little earlier thereby negating the need to speed. :mrgreen:
So YOU are the guy in front of me driving that I am honking at cause you are driving way too slow!!! :smilelol5:
No, that's me, with the bumper sticker that says "Warning Balloon Chase Vehicle, Beware of Sudden Stops" that nobody ever pays attention to. :lol::
;-) Man, ain't THAT the truth! LOL
by Keith B
Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:57 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!
Replies: 65
Views: 9605

Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!

Oldgringo wrote:It will save everyone some money and lots of angst if you'll just leave a little earlier thereby negating the need to speed. :mrgreen:
So YOU are the guy in front of me driving that I am honking at cause you are driving way too slow!!! :smilelol5:
by Keith B
Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:11 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!
Replies: 65
Views: 9605

Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!

You will also find that you will get a laser alert triggered by navigation radio systems at some airports/Air Force bases. However, that will pretty well consistently happen in the same areas day after day. If it was a one-time deal, then there is a good chance what he said was your case! ;-)
by Keith B
Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:47 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!
Replies: 65
Views: 9605

Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!

There are very few times you will detect laser unless it has been aimed right at you, and as you mentioned, then it is too late. Also, radar detectors are no match against instant-on radar guns.

I do own a radar detector, and have for years. It has saved me while going from areas where the speed is higher (60 or more) to 35 - 45 MPH zones like going into small towns. The local law enforcement folks love to sit there and get you if you haven't slowed down quite enough.

The Valentine 1 is a very good radar detector. However, it is not as sensitive as some of the newer units. Bel and Escort are now the same company and they have a couple of units that outperform the V1.

The V1 does have a feature that no other radar detectors have though, and that is dual receivers/antennas that will indicate the direction the radar signal is coming from. It is handy to help weed out false alarms from door openers and other RF radiating devices in the speed radar bands.

Now, back on topic. Glad you had a good encounter. Many folks would be upset that they got written up. Plano's officers for the most part are courteous and very good to deal with. :thumbs2:

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