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by Keith B
Thu May 14, 2009 9:41 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Campus Carry Question
Replies: 27
Views: 3604

Re: Campus Carry Question

Liberty wrote:
Owens wrote:Believe I'll chime in on this one.

I teach at a CC in technical ed. Took a mental survey of students that are in our building all day and came up with a very short list of CHL/potential CHL.

That number is 4. Of those, only 1 has a CHl. 2 say they are going to, but have not taken a class as of yet. 4th most likely will not.

This is out of 35.

So yes, the number is very low, at least here.
That's actually probably higher than the general Texan population
1 out of 35 is higher, but he stated it was a technical class, so I am sure there is a higher possibility of gun-types in there than say a theater class. However, with the increase in gun interest in the last year, I expect we will see the CHL percentage go from the current 1.3% of the population to a higher percentage.
by Keith B
Wed May 13, 2009 2:49 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Campus Carry Question
Replies: 27
Views: 3604

Re: Campus Carry Question

74novaman wrote:Interesting...I know you're not supposed to play with statistics...but by this, only about 22 of a 25,000 would be licensed to carry? Thats assuming they all are carrying as well....very interesting. And we're SO worried about shootouts....maybe if they were all in the same debate class.. ;-)

And remember, these numbers are STUDENTS only. I would assume there would be a significant number of faculty and staff, probably more-so (as they are not trying pay for college ;-) ), that would have their CHL's. This allows them to be able to protect themselves as well as potentially protecting those students that DON'T have CHL's. :thumbs2:
by Keith B
Wed May 13, 2009 2:35 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Campus Carry Question
Replies: 27
Views: 3604

Re: Campus Carry Question

Funny that this came up like this. I did a little number crunching earlier this morning to see how the statistics looked.

I was able to find the demographics of a Texas university campus (to remain unnamed) and applied the percentage of people licensed in Texas against the age range listed and that percentage of licenses issued to those ages for the past three years. Here is how it stacks up:


So, if you get down to it, if the percentages stayed as they are today, the probability of students between 18 - 22 having a CHL would not be that high on average, but almost goes to 3.5 times the average amount between 23-29, 6.5 times for those between 30 - 39, and about 8 times the average for students 40-59.

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