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by Keith B
Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:12 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Walmart check-out had a question for me
Replies: 50
Views: 5694

Re: Walmart check-out had a question for me

terryg wrote:This story is only marginally related, but it was pretty funny.

I needed to go talk to my daughters new volleyball coach at her practice. I had not yet met her so I asked my daughter (13 years old) to describe her.

"Blond hair, elderly, wears too much eye makeup"

I was a little skeptical on the elderly part and sure enough - it took me a few minutes to pick her out of the group of coaches there - but she is probably 25! :smilelol5:

My wife and I were like "If she is elderly, what does that make us?"
Yeah, old age is a perception thing when you are young.

I had a similar thing when my daughter was in 2nd grade. I was at her school and overheard a couple of boys talking about a teacher. I rounded corner laughing when the principal (lady, about 55 at the time) asked what was so funny. I told her the two boys, who were probably 2nd graders, were talking about 'Old Lady Dubose'. She laughed and said 'Well, at their age I guess she does seem old, and they probably think I was married to Noah.' Old Lady Dubose was a new teacher that year, just out of college and was 23. :lol:
by Keith B
Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:14 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Walmart check-out had a question for me
Replies: 50
Views: 5694

Re: Walmart check-out had a question for me

Katygunnut wrote:True story. I went to the local Wal-mart with my younger brother who was visiting from out of town. We picked up some Shiner Bock and I noticed a sign near the beer case that said "we ID under age 40". I commented to him that they could have at least said 30 so I didn't feel so bad if they don't ask me for ID.

Sure enough, young girl at the check-out doesn't ask me for ID. I asked her if I really looked like I'm over 40 (I was a week away from my 41st birthday at the time). She said "oh yeah" without missing a beat. My brother didn't stop laughing the whole way home.
Maybe her former job was at the carnival as an age and weight guesser. :mrgreen:
by Keith B
Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:22 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Walmart check-out had a question for me
Replies: 50
Views: 5694

Re: Walmart check-out had a question for me

Texas_Tactical wrote:
AndyC wrote:Tell 'em "Neither - it's for a submachine gun" - watch the instant deer-in-the-headlights look :evil2:

I'm 22 and I'll probably be I.D.'d until im forty :grumble
I am 51, and when people card me I say 'Oh, thank you for thinking I must be under 21. Now, please give me the name of your optometrist so I can set up an eye appointment for you, cause you must be BLIND!!!' :lol:

On the asking the question, as others have stated, it is the rifle/handgun 21 vs. 18 year old thing. And, depending on the clerk, some know it doesn't matter on a person they are sure is over 21 and just enter something. Others will ask and enter the response you give. If I remember right, if you answer rifle, then the system responds 'Is purchaser over 18' and if you answer handgun, then it just responds 'Is purchaser over 21' to prompt the clerk to request ID and validate the age if the buyer looks young. Most clerks will go ahead and answer the second question if there is no doubt the person is over the required age.

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