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by Keith B
Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:35 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: CHL Incident- North Dallas PD- Great Guys
Replies: 49
Views: 11471

Re: CHL Incident- North Dallas PD- Great Guys

johnson0317 wrote:
gringo pistolero wrote:
DarkSide wrote:I would not have pulled my weapon. Its a last resort thing life Death not had my hand on it; Id had my hand on my peeper spay from wall mart they are only 10 bucks. as soon as he was yelling id be on my cell phone calling it in phone in one hand pepper spay in the other getting in my car
What hand are you using to unlock the car and open the door?
Please read more carefully before making such off-hand comments! :rules:

You will notice the poster is using "peeper spray" which is available from Walmart for only 10 bucks. Such spray is famous for its tagline, "When you need to protect yourself in the blink of an eye". You wear it like a pair of glasses. You have to be careful when you come up on a cute girl because you don't want to accidentally wink at her. A good dose of peeper spray is not a way to get her out on a date.

I thought peeper spray was what you used on Peeping Tom's.
by Keith B
Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:40 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: CHL Incident- North Dallas PD- Great Guys
Replies: 49
Views: 11471

Re: CHL Incident- North Dallas PD- Great Guys

Munk wrote:
baldeagle wrote:In his 40's yet still such a child.

40's, driving a Cube. :lol:

Sorry, I just see those as being a college kids car...
2nd childhood maybe? More than likely, still in his first cause he never grew up. :evil2:

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