Uh, whoa there fella. What am saying is just like many sedentary type jobs with minimal to no time to stop and truly take time out for a meal, they fall into the same trap of the drive-through fast food being readily available and easy to obtain. Yes, they should have some personal responsibility in taking care of themselves, but so should everyone.RHenriksen wrote:Whether we should have to pay them to maintain their fitness is debatable. But... 'subjected to fast food stops'? You make it sound like they're passive victims of McDonald's. What ever happened to personal responsibility? If I can pack a lunch, or hit Souper Salad for lunch, or order a tuna fish & fruit plate at Jason's Deli, so can they. They're big boys.Keith B wrote:In the defense of the officers, I will say that they have a mainly sedentary job riding around in a car. The are subjected to fast food stops and many times don't have time to get a more healthy meal.
And, as for paying for them to be fit, I DO think we should help them by offering options. We are already paying their salary so I want them to be as fit and trim as they can be so they can catch they BG and not fall over with a heart attack on a foot chase and we end up paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in hospital bills with our tax dollars.