Anyone who knows they have to post a "no guns" sign to keep CHL-ers out also knows (or
ought to know!) to know what the requirements are for a valid sign.
===> Perhaps. But I look at the open nature of a verbal notification, which has no guidlines, as speaking to the intent of the law. Namely, to provide shelter to CHLers from ambiguity whether or not they can enter when the owner is not speaking directly to them verbally. That's why the sign has to be very specific while verbally it can be anything along the lines of "no you can;t come in with that gun."
So if someone goes to the trouble of posting something that says "Security Notice - Carrying of Concealed Weapons Is Prohibited" IMHO it's is VERY reasonable to conclude they're not really trying to ban CHLers, they're trying to placate the soccer-mommies who think victim disarmament zones are somehow "safer."
===> I agree in large part. But that's not my point. I'm merely speaking to those who think based on a mistakenly worded sign that their "right" to CHL on private property supercedes a property owner's right to not have an armed CHLer there against there wishes.
Debates on the wisdom of this type of PR move are probably endless, but when I see a sign that's not even
close to being compliant, I ignore it - I'm on solid ground legally, and I'm quite sure that ignoring a blatantly non-compliant sign is NOT an indication of moral turpitude.
===> Again I agree with you here.
(Of course, if a sign has 0.95" letters instead of the 1-inch letters called out in the law, or if there's a punctuation mark missing . . .
that I'll comply with.)
===> And oncle more I agree.