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- by Glockman93
- Tue May 02, 2017 9:06 pm
- Forum: The "Waiting Room"
- Topic: 2017 Wait time
- Replies: 364
- Views: 120489
007Glock wrote:Glockman93 wrote:got the call I have been wanting from dps today. They said I have finally been cleared and would be moved through print.
Here is what I have found out about the process from my own experience. Calling the handgun license number is pretty much pointless. You will not get any answers from them because I believe they really don't know what's going on with your process. I submitted all my paperwork and received confirmation on February 10th. Like many I called once a week and got the same answer of we just have to wait for the process. When I reached my 60th day a called again and was told that the clock doesn't start till they actually open your application. This is completely wrong. It clearly says 60 days from the time the complete application was submitted or received ( confirmation email). I decided to look up my state rep for the county I live in and sent their office an email asking why I was being with held my constitutional right. The next day their office called and said they would look into it. Surprisingly dps manager called me that afternoon to tell me they were being held up from an arrest when I was 12 years old for battery that was wrongly documented as a felony but was actually a class a misdemeanor . She did not how ever have an answer as to why I was not sent a letter by mail saying they needed more info as it states that needs to be sent out within the 60 day period. Honestly seemed like they threw my app in the corner untouched. Long story short I made a few calls and had the reports needed in about half a day. It blows my mind that an investigator could not have done this considering all I did was make a few calls. Anyways my recommendation to anyone waiting is to get past your 60days and get on top of your state rep. They are elected by you to work for you and is the fastest way to get answers. There is no telling when I would have finally been notified about this issue with out pushing them on this.
So they pulled up a felony on your record? You had a felony on your record without even knowing it? How were you able to get a job, buy a firearm, etc. this whole time?
I was never charged with a felony. But apparently when I was arrested they arrested me for a felony charge so when they did the background check it showed that I was arrested for one but I guess didn't actually show the outcome. I was a minor when all this happened which is why I guess it's never affected me.
- by Glockman93
- Wed Apr 19, 2017 6:47 pm
- Forum: The "Waiting Room"
- Topic: 2017 Wait time
- Replies: 364
- Views: 120489
007Glock wrote:Glockman93 wrote:007Glock wrote:Here is my timeline for application:
Submitted application: 4/10/2017
Fingerprints: 4/11/2017
Submitted supporting documents to RSD same day as fingerprints: 4/11/2017
Receipt of supporting documents from RSD: 4/12/2017
It's been one week, I checked this morning, but nothing has changed yet on the site. It only gives the generic application answer. About how long does it take until the detailed status list appears?
I waited about a week and called dps and they looked it up and acknowledged it so it would come up online.
My status screen changed today, and the detailed status list appeared as attached below. Everything is green except for fingerprints and background check, which both say under review. I find this odd that my fingerprints say 'under review', as others have said theirs turned green as 'received' when their statuses appeared. Also, the 60 day clock should officially start from today correct? I wonder about how long it will take since I have one arrest on my record from nearly 10 years ago, even though it is not disqualifying. I made sure to also include a certified disposition as part of my supporting documents. Does this seem correct in the attachment of my status below that my fingerprints haven't turned green yet and say 'under review' along with my background check? Also, the 60 day clock officially begins today correct? I sent in the certified disposition along with my supporting documents hoping that it should speed things up somewhat. Any advice or experiences on how long it took to process with having one misdemeanor on your record? Keep in my mind that I sent in a certified disposition with my supporting documents, so they should have it also. The wait is really killing me! I appreciate and look forward to everyone's feedback. Thank you.
My prints stayed under review as well. The prints are part of your back ground check so that's why they say under review. Technically your 60 days start when you get the confirmation email saying everything was received but dps will play it off to be when they actually open the application. Their statute says from the time everything was received and per the email they have received it. It will definitely help you that you turned in paper work for your misdemeanor. I forgot I was arrested as a minor and didn't send anything in for it and apparently it was filed as a felony (which it wasn't) and I had to get my state rep involved after my 60 days them telling me I'm still being processed when in fact they just never sent me a letter saying they needed info. I'd honestly say that calling dps is a waste of time. I called once a week after 60 days and they obviously didn't know anything about my app. Best you can do is wait the horrible 60 days and then get your rep involved if nothing happens. I honestly think I would have got mine a lot sooner if it wasn't fort arrest mix up. Good luck! We have all felt the painful wait!

- by Glockman93
- Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:12 am
- Forum: The "Waiting Room"
- Topic: 2017 Wait time
- Replies: 364
- Views: 120489
ClintHTx wrote:I'm sitting at 45 days right now. Mine is showing background and fingerprints under review. Been sitting like that forever. By the looks others are taking pretty long too. Maybe they ar just being really slow.
I'd go with they are being really slow

- by Glockman93
- Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:10 am
- Forum: The "Waiting Room"
- Topic: 2017 Wait time
- Replies: 364
- Views: 120489
007Glock wrote:Here is my timeline for application:
Submitted application: 4/10/2017
Fingerprints: 4/11/2017
Submitted supporting documents to RSD same day as fingerprints: 4/11/2017
Receipt of supporting documents from RSD: 4/12/2017
It's been one week, I checked this morning, but nothing has changed yet on the site. It only gives the generic application answer. About how long does it take until the detailed status list appears?
I waited about a week and called dps and they looked it up and acknowledged it so it would come up online.
- by Glockman93
- Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:31 pm
- Forum: The "Waiting Room"
- Topic: 2017 Wait time
- Replies: 364
- Views: 120489
got the call I have been wanting from dps today. They said I have finally been cleared and would be moved through print.
Here is what I have found out about the process from my own experience. Calling the handgun license number is pretty much pointless. You will not get any answers from them because I believe they really don't know what's going on with your process. I submitted all my paperwork and received confirmation on February 10th. Like many I called once a week and got the same answer of we just have to wait for the process. When I reached my 60th day a called again and was told that the clock doesn't start till they actually open your application. This is completely wrong. It clearly says 60 days from the time the complete application was submitted or received ( confirmation email). I decided to look up my state rep for the county I live in and sent their office an email asking why I was being with held my constitutional right. The next day their office called and said they would look into it. Surprisingly dps manager called me that afternoon to tell me they were being held up from an arrest when I was 12 years old for battery that was wrongly documented as a felony but was actually a class a misdemeanor . She did not how ever have an answer as to why I was not sent a letter by mail saying they needed more info as it states that needs to be sent out within the 60 day period. Honestly seemed like they threw my app in the corner untouched. Long story short I made a few calls and had the reports needed in about half a day. It blows my mind that an investigator could not have done this considering all I did was make a few calls. Anyways my recommendation to anyone waiting is to get past your 60days and get on top of your state rep. They are elected by you to work for you and is the fastest way to get answers. There is no telling when I would have finally been notified about this issue with out pushing them on this.
- by Glockman93
- Tue Apr 11, 2017 8:54 pm
- Forum: The "Waiting Room"
- Topic: 2017 Wait time
- Replies: 364
- Views: 120489
HoytHouser wrote:LTC Class on Feb 1st
Finger Prints on Feb 3rd
Submitted all documents on Feb 3rd
Received Email conformation from DPS on Feb 6th.
Site updated status to figerprints review and back ground check under review.
Past the 60 days and absolutely no status change.

Call and ask when they actually started your app. Apparently they don't start the clock till they actually "start" the process. I called to let them know their 60 days was up and they said they are only at 30 days. They had mine for 30 days before it was even touched. I submitted mine about the same time you did.

- by Glockman93
- Thu Mar 16, 2017 12:10 pm
- Forum: The "Waiting Room"
- Topic: 2017 Wait time
- Replies: 364
- Views: 120489
The wait is starting to drive me crazy!!
Confirmed all items received -2-10-17
Background and finger print review started 2-20-17
Still under review as of today. Dps today told me that they require at least 60 days for processing which is hard to believe since I see people getting theirs in 30 days. I'm 23 with a clear record. Would have figured mine would have been in the mail by now. I also don't think they are starting them by first come first serve as I've seen post of people that turned theirs in after mine and have already received them? I have called once a week to check and have noticed it's been the same guy answering the phone every time and doesn't seem to like his job much lol Is it a one man operation?