As am I - can't decide between the 239 or the 229 for CHL. Really like how the 239 feels but I'm a slight bigger guy, not huge but I think a 229 would conceal just as well. A hair under 6" and about 220 - though I hope to be 200 in a few months.[/quote]cyphur wrote:Agree on both. Sig is the choice of Mom & wife at the range. I really like them too. Am on the lookout for a 239 in either 9mm or .40. in good shape.longtooth wrote:
The 229 is a double stack & most men handle it very well. Definately not to big for CC. The 239 is a single stack & really fits the ladies hands. That is why they like it so good. Little small for me too but when I need to really hide one (tuck a shirt in over it) that is much easier than Kimber Pro.
Good job on the weight loss too. 5 yr ago I weighed 240+. Today I was in the hospital visiting & stopped to weigh on a scale left in the hall. 202 w/ Kimber Pro & 2 extra 10 round mags. I aint going back either. I feel better. You will too.