Keep in mind that Keith is, I believe, talking about carrying when walking around in public, like at a shopping mall or entering the Texas Capitol.Hoi Polloi wrote:Then what was the point of getting rid of the penalty for not showing it? It's just setting people up for bigger problems if that's true!Keith B wrote:Not sure what you are getting at it. You still have the requirement to carry it and produce it when asked for ID. If you are carrying and don't show your CHL, and they run your license or name and birth date, see you have a CHL, and come back and ask for it, find out you don't have it on you, THEN they can arrest you for UCW.
If you're not carrying your license then 46.15(b)(6) doesn't kick in, so you have the same rights and restrictions as if you weren't licensed, for the purpose of Chapter 46. If you're on your own property or in your car (following the MPA rules) or have some other exception in 46.15 (such as being a peace officer