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by ScottDLS
Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:34 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: 2010 FAQ: Did you ever use your CH in self-defense?
Replies: 43
Views: 6690

Re: 2010 FAQ: Did you ever use your CH in self-defense?

billv wrote:
Stupid wrote:CH no but CHL a few times.

The new CHL looks very similar to DL. One time I was in a bank withdrawing some cash and I handed the teller the CHL by mistake. She went "This is not a driver's license," and I said "what do you mean it's not?" We went back and forth a few times. I didn't realize my mistake until she shoveled it under my nose. :-(
So why wouldn't she take your CHL? It's a state issued photo ID that has a lot more validity of the owner than a DL does (fingerprints, back ground checks, etc).

I've wondered what would happen at the airport if I presented my CHL to the TSA, besides getting my "junk" checked thoroughly.
I once showed my Texas CHL to the Pentagon Police because they wanted two picture ID's and I didn't have my DoD contractor ID card yet. I told them I wasn't carrying (of course) and they said no problem, we see them all the time.

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