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by ScottDLS
Sat Mar 24, 2018 11:09 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: More "Compromise"
Replies: 27
Views: 7634

Re: More "Compromise"

We should lobby for and support NOTHING at the Federal level. Nothing except blocking everything that comes along. There have been NO positive actions at the Federal level since 1986, and even there we got 922o restriction on new NFA autos. LEOSA is NOT a positive. So all we have gotten since 1934 at the Federal level is more restrictions.

The police power to regulate the keeping and bearing of arms, within the confines of the 2nd amendment, belongs to the States. There should be NO federal regulation of commerce in arms within states. Federal background checks on private sales are unconstitutional. Federal age restrictions are unconstitutional. We shouldn't want to FIX NICS, we should want to eliminate NICS. States can decide what level of restriction they wish to place on the purchase of firearms, as they did before 1996.

The Left will chip away, bit by bit as they have for over 100 years at all of our freedoms, mainly through the central government. The centralization of power in DC to a technocratic elite will be the undoing of our Federal republic. :mad5

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