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by Dave01
Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:38 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Should the law be changed?
Replies: 59
Views: 10371

Re: Should the law be changed?

atxgun wrote:I think the idea is even if you're acting completely responsible and drinking your ginger ale you are in an environment with *other* people that are intoxicated and more likely to start something and put you in a position where you would be justifiable in using force to defend yourself.

Maybe some drunk guy doesn't like the song you picked on the juke box and decides he needs to pick a fight with you.

So what your saying is that the legality of carrying is now dependent on the level of responsibility of those around me? I can no more prevent the actions of a drunk guy at the bar than I can those of a criminal intent on doing harm. I should however be able to protect myself against such actions regardless of location, as long as MY judgement is not impaired by alcohol or other substances.
by Dave01
Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:36 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Should the law be changed?
Replies: 59
Views: 10371

Re: Should the law be changed?

Mike1951 wrote:I do not think that the original concealed carry law could have ever passed without this restriction, which was a concession to the "blood in the streets" believers.

Now, I do not see any large group getting behind the effort to remove this.

And were it changed, sooner or later, there would be a shooting in a bar by a licensee.

You're probably right about the concession. I also have not seen a group effort behind this which is somewhat of a surprise. It would seem people care more about how they can carry (i.e open carry) than where they can carry. I'm the opposite.

In regard to a license holder being involved in a bar probably would happen eventually. But who's to say it won't be a justified one? Any stiuation may happen eventually, but it's no excuse to prevent law abiding citizens from exercising their rights.
by Dave01
Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:08 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Should the law be changed?
Replies: 59
Views: 10371

Re: Should the law be changed?

txfour wrote:Does anyone know what the thought process was when they wrote that you can not carry in an establishment that has 51% of their sales coming from alcohol? I understand a bar. We all know that when having a firearm on your person there is no legal limit as far alcohol consumption is concerned. I know I would never take a gun to a bar regardless if it was legal.
This topic comes up every now and again. It is important to note that it is not illegal to have a drink while your carrying. It is illegal to be intoxicated while carrying. The 0.08 BAC does not necessarily apply is most up to the officer to determine "intoxication". Regardless, I still don't understand why carrying in a bar is off limits. Just because I'm in a bar doesn't mean I'm drinking. Under the current law, I can't sit in a bar and drink ginger ale while armed (my drink of choice when driving). I don't need regulation to force me to be responsible.

Alcohol and guns don't mix, but let me choose which one I want.

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