I have experienced this with my detector when there is a decent amount of traffic ahead of me and the cop is using a laser.The Annoyed Man wrote:My radar detector is a Cobra with laser alert. The owner's manual points out that if the laser is targeted at you, then you're caught. Period. However, it also says that it is capable of picking up reflected laser - meaning that if another car is being targeted, some of the laser will be reflected and scattered, and your radar/laser detector may pickup that scatter and warn you that laser is in use. Apparently, because of the surface angles of the targeted vehicle, not 100% of the outgoing beam is returned to the sending unit, and that part that doesn't return to the sender may be picked up by devices in other vehicles and warn the drivers.
If I'm all alone I do not get that warning.
That is why I generally drive slower when no other cars are around.
I figure that my radar detectors have saved me several thousand dollars in fines over the years. Well worth the investment as I can't seem to remotely stay within the speed limits. Thank goodness I don't have a sports car (yet