chasfm11 wrote: It apparently applied to the Orlando shooter and his rifle jam. ... ues-today/
WOW! I never heard that part... the comments from the OPD were also excellent:
.....Even worse, it was discovered that the shooter had a rifle malfunction that prevented him from using his firearm and had enough time, with the help of the internet, to clear that malfunction. That’s right, his rifle malfunctioned and he used his phone to watch a video on how to fix it. Now I do not know about you, but I have worked far too hard in my life to just let someone try to kill me without at least fighting back.
I was horrified by the fact that the shooter could walk around the nightclub and shoot people who were kneeling or cowering on the dance floor and in the bathrooms without one single person doing so much as throwing something at him. How hard would it have been for him to shoot with liquor bottles flying at him, or chairs, or something? Better yet, imagine if people were allowed to carry their self-defense firearms in the club. Once the shooter started to fire, a good Samaritan with a concealed weapons license could have pulled their firearm and returned fire. But it’s illegal to carry a concealed firearm in a club or bar in Florida. This gun free zone did not stop the criminal from shooting, it only stopped law-abiding citizens from defending themselves.....