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by Greybeard
Thu Mar 03, 2005 11:21 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Poll: Reasons you have not gotten a CHL?
Replies: 273
Views: 63182

ElGato - Marion at DPS just clarified the ambiguous paragraph in newsletter. The interpretation was as you stated: TR-100s still good for 2 years for "originals", but only 6 months for renewals.

Channel 4 in Dallas must have just recently received and decided to air DPS's press release about reciprocity with South Carolina. They've placed a map on the screen showing states that now recognize Texas CHL. Excellent PR for the CHL program! Maybe here in another week or three, the trickle-down effect will catch up to 'em about Pennsylvania. :D
by Greybeard
Thu Mar 03, 2005 9:17 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Poll: Reasons you have not gotten a CHL?
Replies: 273
Views: 63182

It took 'em several years to get finalized, but in 1999 Texas Parks and Wildlife was the first in the country to make a "Home Study" option available for hunter education. Students must still come to a "testing site" for a minimum 4-hours of specified activities before certification. With some effort, I think a similar program could be easily developed for CHL classes.

But, having certified well over 2,000 students that way since the inception, I still believe there would be tens of thousands who would use the old "I don't have enough time" excuse. As implied before, allocation of time is usally a matter of personal motivation and priorities. It's absolutely amazing the number of folks who seem to be able to make the time for hunting trips, but can't seem to find a weekday evening or 1/2 day on a weekend to get legal before doing so. :wink:
by Greybeard
Wed Mar 02, 2005 7:54 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Poll: Reasons you have not gotten a CHL?
Replies: 273
Views: 63182

ElGato - Thanks for heads-up. The mention of the 6-month limitation was in the instructor update package DPS mailed out in Jan. '05. I'll re-read it, but don't recall a distinction between originals and renewals ...

Walter - Well said!

Yep, the CHL money is a legitimate problem for many. But, by nature I see the majority of folks simply being natural procrastinators. For example, cost of Texas Hunter Education Course (which also requires a minimum of 10 hours) many places is only $10. It is so-called "mandatory" for any hunter born after Sept. 1, 1971. That law has been in effect since 1988 - 7 years priot to passage of our CHL provision.

I crunched some numbers a few weeks ago related to the typical "profile" of hunter ed. students at DCSA (where cost of class is typically $36.56) last season. 57% of our students were in the 17 to 34-year old bracket - and the "mandatory" language had not kept the vast majority of them from hunting (illegally) previously.

So, as I see it, whether it's CHL training, hunter ed., or defensive driving (which can appreciably decrease insurance rates) most folks just don't seem to "get around to it" without some serious external motivation.
by Greybeard
Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:24 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Poll: Reasons you have not gotten a CHL?
Replies: 273
Views: 63182

Time, money, motivation (not necessarily in that order). Getting them all 3 together at the same time is pretty tough for most folks.

I've currently got 2 students who still owe DCSA for cost of class(es). One is a 30-something Dad with 3 kids and another in the oven. Due to shortage of family money, he had alrready had to let his license expire when I told him to come on out and get it done with a class I had scheduled. He put DPS' portion on credit card and will get around to my part when he can ...

Another is a 30-something Mom going for original license - also with small kids. She assists her husband in a fairly new business that deals with lots of cash. She took a beginner course and CHL classroom portion last September. Having bought a gun to be able to practice some more before completing proficiency portion, I believe the family is likely pretty strapped for cash. With DPS' new rule that the TR-100s are only valid for 6-months :( , she's about to be up against the wall to come up with the $140 here in a few days ...

Regarding the "too many places one can't carry", I've had a number of students who had some real misconceptions there - until they took class - where they learned the facts about signage and reciprocity ...

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