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by The Annoyed Man
Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:32 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Disarming the public...
Replies: 55
Views: 9021

Re: Disarming the public...

ExMarlboroMan wrote:Some of the LEO and MIL folks will drop their faces and follow orders, It's already happened in LA. , New Orleans to be exact. I'd like to think as Texans and as AMERICANS our armed forces (LEO's and MILITARY) would not follow orders to disarm civilians or shoot upon them for not disarming but who knows.
Maybe this will make you feel better:

READY TO REVOLT: Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in United States
Group asks police and military to lay down arms in response to orders deemed unlawful
Oct. 18, 2009
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal
Depending on your perspective, the Oath Keepers are either strident defenders of liberty or dangerous peddlers of paranoia.

In the age of town halls, talk radio and tea parties, middle ground of opinion is hard to find.

Launched in March by Las Vegan Stewart Rhodes, Oath Keepers bills itself as a nonpartisan group of current and retired law enforcement and military personnel who vow to fulfill their oaths to the Constitution.

More at the link above.
by The Annoyed Man
Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:09 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Disarming the public...
Replies: 55
Views: 9021

Re: Disarming the public...

flintknapper wrote:
Purplehood wrote:Most Texans are not Texans.
An excellent point.
Wasn't born here, but got here as soon as I could. I would fight for Texas. The only pity of it is that I'm not physically as capable as I used to be; but I would do as much as I could. Just as it is often the case that immigrants from foreign lands are greater able to appreciate and exercise America's unique freedoms than are native born citizens, Californians who move to Texas (like I did) are perhaps greater able to appreciate and exercise their uniquely Texan heritage and rights.

I was watching a TV show either on Discovery or NatGeo a while back about power generation in the US. What I found interesting was that they showed a picture taken from space which depicted North America's power generation and distribution grid. Virtually the entire country shares power back and forth with Canada. The lone exception was Texas - which is apparently energy self-supporting, and neither imports nor exports electricity between itself and the rest of the nation. With the exception of part of the panhandle, you can see in the image below that Texas is energy independent. (The website I got this image from thinks this is wrong and advocates forcing Texas to come into the national grid.) Here is a newspaper article about the subject.

My point in this is that our state is uniquely set up for independence. I'm not advocating for secession or anything like that, but I'm just point out that either through careful long-range planning or just happy circumstance, we are in a better position than a large part of the country. We produce our own energy. We are capable of growing all our own food. We have 367 miles of coastline with good harbors. The only thing we lack are geographical features like high mountains to act as a defensible border.

Just spitballing here. . . .

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