Yours may be "larger," but mine is positively generous, although I prefer the term "prosperous." ...but I smell yah.maximus2161 wrote:The Minotaur is a great holster. I had a XDM 9mm and had that holster. I regret selling it. But the holster really was snugged up tight to my hip. Im a big guy and the way those holsters are made work well with my ....ummm....larger...waist size.
I have the Minotaur also, and spare holster bodies to fit 3" and 5" 1911s and a full sized M&P 45, not to mention the left over holster body from the USP Compact I sold.
My problem is a chronic bad back, and other IWB holsters apply too much pressure against my hip, and over a very short time they start to cause me additional pain. The Minotaur spreads that pressure out over a larger area, reducing its effect at any one point, making it far far more comfortable to wear.