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by The Annoyed Man
Sat Sep 21, 2013 3:41 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Charlotte police kill unarmed man who may have needed help
Replies: 35
Views: 7886

Re: Charlotte police kill unarmed man who may have needed he

texanjoker wrote:
Javier730 wrote:He fired 12 times and hit him 10 times. Thats probably why hes in trouble. No need to shoot someone 10 times.
Disagree there. You fire until the threat stops. Some whacked out people take more then 1 or 2 shots. In shootings it is proven people loose track of shots, time, ect. You can unload a magazine in a split second w/o realizing it. I know I only heard one shot in my shooting and actually had fired several more shots.
BigBangSmallBucks wrote:So you tell me how many shots does it take to "stop a threat" I've seen countless videos of criminals on every drug know to man in shoot outs with police and unless they were in a vehicle and not ftf it didn't take 10 shots to stop them.
This ^^. texanjoker beat me to it. I'm not going to say that 12 shots was appropriate, but I'm not going to say it wasn't either. I wasn't there, and neither were any of us. As texanjoker has said, in a REAL shooting, you might fire more rounds than you thought you had. Also, we keep telling new CHL students what, exactly? That's right.....we tell them, "You don't shoot to kill. You shoot to stop the threat." We also know just from the body of evidence from all shootings, that the "one shot stop" scenario is largely bunk. The human body can absorb a LOT of penetrating trauma before it is put down. How many soldiers fight through to the end of a firefight, having been hit more than once? It happens. A LOT. I have personally helped to treat a fairly large number of gunshot victims who were NOT put down by the first round. I remember a guy who got hit 4 times in the back with a .38, from fairly close, and he ran several blocks to his car, jumped in it, and drove himself to the ER, parked his car across the street in the outpatient parking lot, and walked under his own power into the waiting room and told the triage nurse, "I think I've been shot." It wasn't until then that he started to get woozy and pass out. Search these pages. This is an OLD and ongoing discussion in the caliber wars. As it happens, nobody "stops" until they either quit......which is a mental thing.....or a bullet has struck a vital region instantly incapacitating the person.

The victim was a 24 year old former Florida A&M football player. That means he was likely a fairly big and strong guy......a guy used to taking hits and still playing. This is tragic if he was simply in an altered mental state from the effects of the accident, and it is criminal if he was so stoned he was out of control, but either way, that doesn't remove the officer's right to defend himself, because HE doesn't know what condition the guy is in. What he does know is that the victim keeps absorbing bullets and not going down, and now the guy is on top of him in full contact.

Would you prefer he wait and see if the guy kills him first?

It may turn out that the officer's actions are indefensible. But the fact is, we don't know. We don't have the toxicology reports, and we don't have the video. We don't know why the other officers didn't shoot. Just maybe they didn't shoot because the victim was already all over their brother officer and they didn't want to shoot him also. That's the trouble with this one. There's just a whole lot of "maybes," and we lack facts. So I'm going to go with "no opinion" until someone with access to the facts gets it all sorted out.

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