Exactly HOW are those idiots going to take your license if you are "caught" with a loaded gun? Absent an 06 or 07 sign, you're not breaking any laws! If you're not breaking any laws, on what basis are they going to confiscate your license and firearm?Dreamer42 wrote:I, too, was shocked at the $10 parking fee. I chose to park several blocks away and use the experience as a chance to stretch my legs. I have basically sworn off the FW show on principle, basically not willing to drive from Collin county just to shell out $18 bucks before I even step foot in the show. But yesterday I had to be in FW at the Civil War Museum, then pick up friends at DFW airport later in the day, so what the heck. Did anyone notice that they no longer had the 06 or 07 signs, but had a ridiculous sign stating that if you were caught with a loaded handgun, even if you had a LTC, that you would risk losing you firearm and permit? Who makes up this stuff? They are just bound and determined to scare people into not exercising their rights.