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by The Annoyed Man
Fri Dec 23, 2016 12:54 pm
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Home Defense Weapon
Replies: 42
Views: 17187

Re: Home Defense Weapon

superstar wrote:
cyphertext wrote:
Yes, I do hunt and shoot skeet and sporting clays... but in my plan to hole up in the bedroom with the shotgun trained on the door, as the badguy comes into my room, his range of movement is very limited by the door frame, a wall, and some furniture.
Would you recommend shooting clay as the way to go to get proficient with a shotty? are there other methods to get better shooting with a shotty other than static targets?
Shooting skeet is a great way to learn how to use a shotgun to hit an aerial target moving 40 mph at a tangent to your position. If that describes your intruder, then you're good to go. :mrgreen:

OTH, if you want to learn how to best use your shotgun in a tactical situation, enter some 3-gun matches, or get some shotgun specific tactical training from a reputable teacher.

Absent that, retreat to your fallback position (determined well in advance), preferably behind cover (remember concealment ≠ cover), call 911, and keep your shotgun trained on the door. If you try to defend the room by placing yourself at the doorway, and you get taken out, then everything and anyone that is precious to you that is in that room is at risk. OTH, if you stay back in the room behind cover, you place the BG in the position of having to transit the fatal funnel of the doorway to get to you. That means that you have a very narrow cone of area you have to defend as he is in the doorway, while he has a very large cone he has to divvy up to locate you and bring his weapons to bear on you. You have the defender's advantage.

With my suppressed SBR, I have 60 rounds of subsonic 208 grain .300 Blk on hand, all of which can be fired with a great deal of accuracy and a minimum of noise at CQB distances. The suppressor also effectively hides muzzle flash, so my own rounds don't blind me, assuming lights are off. And I have a weapon light mounted if that becomes necessary.
by The Annoyed Man
Fri Dec 23, 2016 12:38 pm
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Home Defense Weapon
Replies: 42
Views: 17187

Re: Home Defense Weapon

I have confidence in all of my weapons for use inside the house, including pistols, shotgun, and AR carbines. And it's just my wife and me living there, so if something goes bump in the night, I'm not that concerned about whatever is on the other side of sheetrock, as long as the brick exterior contains any outbound lead, since anyone on the other side of the sheetrock doesn't belong there. MY issue is with hearing loss, of which I already have some, and the tremendous volume of noise from discharging a firearm within the walls of my home. I have a dog who is a good watch dog, but not particularly a good guard dog (doesn't follow commands well when his dander is up). I've chosen to go with a suppressed weapon - a .300 Blackout SBR loaded with subsonics - for home defense. I am frankly a little scared of touching off a 12 gauge inside the house. I'd do it if I had to, but I don't have to. When I get my Form 4 stamp approval which is currently pending for a pistol suppressor, I'll dedicate one of my Glock's to the "inside the house" role and retire the SBR for that role.

Agree that looking for trouble is trouble. Decide in advance where your home's redoubt is, and get there 911, describe yourself, say you are armed and with what, and where in the house you are holding out, and let the pros do their jobs.

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