I've let my ETTS membership expire because I wasn’t using it enough to justify the $650/year, but they have several tactical bays that run about 60-75 yards deep and maybe 30 yards wide, a sighting-in range with target stands at 100 and 200 yards, an unknown distance range which I recall being about 500-600 yards deep, and a long distance range which was extended from 1200 to 1300 yards about a year ago or so. The last time I shot on that range, it was a 1200 yard range, with targets beginning at 300 yards, and going out to 1000 in 100 yard increments, and then the 200 yard jump to 1200. I personally was able to get qualified at 800 before I ran out of time (and money

It’s a great facility. It USED to be open to members only and their guests ($20/guest), but the last time I was there they had opened up to non members for day use, for a $20 entry fee. HOWEVER, the 1300 yard range remains available only to members and their guests ... unless they’ve changed things again.
All of that said, I’ve been to both TacPro and ETTS, and ETTS is closer in for DFW shooters, and is IMHO the nicer of the two facilities. The thing that I found disconcerting about the 1000 range at TacPro is that, instead of targets being at increasingly further increments from the firing line, it has ONE target berm with multiple firing lines—meaning that if your shooting at 500 yards like I was, you have to periodically get up and move back to the 1000 yard line so that you don’t have to jump in a foxhole while the 1000 shooters shoot over the top of you when it’s their turn.
Multiple target berms is a much better idea!