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by Charles L. Cotton
Tue Jan 24, 2006 4:48 pm
Forum: Site Announcements, Questions & Suggestions
Topic: PM's and automated registrations
Replies: 5
Views: 2330

stevie_d_64 wrote:I don't mind the email notification about PM's back here at the forum...

I don't read those emails, because I know what and where they (PM's) are...I just move them over (without opening them and trash them)...
I suspect several folks don't use the email notification of PM's. If they don't get email notification and they don't select the Pop Up Notification of PM's when they are on the forum, then it would be easy to miss a PM.
stevie_d_64 wrote:Do I need to change this procedure till we get the issue of automated subscribers cleared up???
Nope, no reason to change.

by Charles L. Cotton
Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:46 am
Forum: Site Announcements, Questions & Suggestions
Topic: PM's and automated registrations
Replies: 5
Views: 2330

PM's and automated registrations

It appears that in the last few weeks a few users were registered by some type of software robot. (For you software guys, I know I'm probably not using the proper terminology.) The signature lines were for Internet casinos and other gambling web sites and some were identical between new users. I'm not sure what good that did, as these new users never activated their registration by using the validation email, so no one saw their advertisements. I have deleted the ones that were obvious, but I suspect there are up to 10 more still on the system.

I have done two things to keep the registered-but-not-activated category of members from getting out of hand. First, the forum now uses a feature that requires new users to type in an alphanumeric line as part of the registration process. Registration robots can't do this. Secondly, I send an email once every 30 days or so to people who registered but never activated their registration advising them that the registration will be deleted in X days, if it is not activated. Obviously, people can re-register if they wish.

One of the ways I keep up with the new registrations is by looking to see who has read the welcoming PM I send to everyone. (Yes, I send it; it's not automated.) I can tell if it has been read by the PM box. If it's in the Outbox rather than the Sentbox, then it hasn't been read.

In going over my Outbox, I see a number of unread PM's sent to people who have posted at least once, meaning they have activated their registration. This leads me to believe some people don't realize they have a PM, either because they didn't opt to be notified of new PM's, or because they have some sort of pop-up blocker activated, either in Windows XP or otherwise. (You can choose to be notified of new PM's or not, by going to your profile.) If you don't want to notified of new PM's, or if you don't want to allow pop-ups from TexasCHLforum, then please check to see if you have any "new messages." I wish the New Messages area of the banner was color coded (i.e. red) when you have new messages, but it isn't and it's very easy to miss. If you haven't noticed, your new message status is displayed toward the top of the screen between "Profile" and "Log In".

Please check to see if you have a PM; it will help me keep up with the registrations.


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