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by Charles L. Cotton
Fri Feb 25, 2005 6:40 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Possible CHL holder shot and killed trying to save woman
Replies: 20
Views: 5160

Good Job Ch 11

I am proud to report that KHOU Ch. 11's 5:00 PM newscast today included more information on the Tyler shooting. The report told of Mr. Wilson's bravery and said he is being hailed as a hero who saved at least the younger Arroyo, perhaps more.

I was quick to criticize their reporting last night, so it's only fair that I am equally quick to complement their efforts.

by Charles L. Cotton
Fri Feb 25, 2005 6:35 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Possible CHL holder shot and killed trying to save woman
Replies: 20
Views: 5160

I don't know about a family, but I'm trying to find out. My wife has an aunt living in Tyler and she's going to try to get some information, including the date/time for the funeral.

by Charles L. Cotton
Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:38 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Possible CHL holder shot and killed trying to save woman
Replies: 20
Views: 5160

I've read several other accounts, both posts on various forums and some newspaper articles. It appears the coverage is pretty good, outside the Houston area. The Houston Chronicle's article is as bad as the TV/radio reports. Even has an article that gives proper credit to Mark Wilson. That should tell the Houston media something!

by Charles L. Cotton
Fri Feb 25, 2005 10:06 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Possible CHL holder shot and killed trying to save woman
Replies: 20
Views: 5160

Hi dolanp:
You're right, the CHL was irrelevant. If Mr. Wilson's actions were being reported in the Houston area and they merely left out the fact that he was a CHL holder, I would have no complaint. However, in the Houston media market, it's not being reported that Mark Wilson was killed while saving the 22 year old man's life. His name isn't being mentioned and he's referred to merely as a bystander. People who do not hear other reports, such as those coming out of Tyler, are left with the opinion that Mr. Wilson was simply hit with a stray bullet.

This morning on KTRH AM 740 radio in Houston, the report was pretty much the same. Mr. Wilson was not named and was identified as a bystander. Then, an audio tape of a Tyler PD spokesman was played with him lauding the bravery of the deputy sheriffs and Tyler police officers who fought with the murderer. I don't doubt a word of his statement! However, I think it's appalling that KTRH would publicize the bravery of LEO's, but never mention Mr. Wilson's sacrifice. He had no legal duty to act whatsoever; he voluntarily chose to risk and ultimately loose his life to save a perfect stranger. He and his family deserve our respect, they don't deserve to be ignored by the media to further a political goal.

The Smith County Sheriff's Dept. spokesman (perhaps the Sheriff himself) was quoted in Tyler as crediting Mr. Wilson for saving the 22 year old's life, and possibly others, yet the Houston area media choose to ignore his selfless act.

Please do not take my comments as being directed toward you or your post. It appears your area may well be getting more accurate coverage of this incident than our media outlets in the Houston feel we need.

Let me step down from my soapbox now,

by Charles L. Cotton
Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:54 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Possible CHL holder shot and killed trying to save woman
Replies: 20
Views: 5160

Re: CHL shooter saves life of another, loses own

fiftycal wrote:Hopefully NRA/TSRA will also have some recognition for this brave man.
I have a meeting at NRA HQ in Fairfax next week. I'll see what I can do.

by Charles L. Cotton
Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:24 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Possible CHL holder shot and killed trying to save woman
Replies: 20
Views: 5160

What an insult to a brave man!

I am furious! I just saw the 10:00 pm KHOU Ch. 11 and KPRC Ch. 2 news spots on the Tyler Courthouse shooting. Both spots were quick to refer to an "assault weapon" and Ch. 2 said the murderer fired 50 rounds.

What really has me steaming is the way they reported on Mark Wilson's death. They didn't give his name and merely mentioned him in passing, referring to him as a bystander also killed.

I called Ch. 11 newsroom and asked why they didn't report his involvement accurately; i.e. a CHL who died trying to save lives. An arrogant woman simply said, "well, obviously we didn't know it or we would have." What a load of crap! The media has had this information since late this afternoon, or early evening. I switched over to Ch. 2 and they had the same report.

What an insult to a brave man; pitching the assault weapon slant, while ignoring his sacrifice. I hope the local stations hear from some folks.

by Charles L. Cotton
Thu Feb 24, 2005 9:07 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Possible CHL holder shot and killed trying to save woman
Replies: 20
Views: 5160

Apparently, the murderer left the scene immediately after being hit by the CHL's rounds, and of course killing him. He may well have saved some lives.

As someone on 1911forum said, "No greater love . . . " May the Lord be with his family.

by Charles L. Cotton
Thu Feb 24, 2005 7:42 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Possible CHL holder shot and killed trying to save woman
Replies: 20
Views: 5160

Possible CHL holder shot and killed trying to save woman

There was a shooting at the Smith County Courthouse in Tyler, TX around 1:30 pm today. A husband or ex-husband shot and killed his wife/ex-wife with an AK-47. Witnesses said a man, possibly a CHL holder, fired three rounds hitting the murderer twice, but the the perp. apparently was wearing body armor. The perp. turned and shot the "CHL holder" in the head. Three other people were injured, and I think all three were LEO's. The murderer was shot and killed after a short pursuit.

Who says citizens have no need for AP rounds? I'm not sure where the information about the man being a CHL holder came from, but that is what is being reported on some web sites. It is quite possible he was a LEO, we just don't know yet.

Here is a link to a Tyler TV station with multiple videos on the left side of the page.

Stay safe folks,

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