Okay, I'm back from Austin and I have clearance to provide this information.
There is an entirely new system going online on May 1st, unless a last minute bug is discovered. The new application process will be entirely online, including affidavits. The new system will not allow you to submit an incomplete application, so this will prevent the dreaded "you didn't give us everything" letter. The notice on TexasOnline is incomplete, thus it is misleading. (It isn't DPS' fault.) The notice should state that people who have started an online application and saved it without completing it and paying the fee will have to start over after May 1st. If you've already completed the online application and have paid your fee, whether or not you have received the packet from DPS,then the warning doesn't apply to you. You can take your course and send in the application material as has always been the case.
Not only is the new online system great, there are other very good changes coming on May 1st. For example, it will no longer be necessary to provide fingerprints and photographs with renewal applications. (I already mentioned that online applications will include the affidavits, so those won't be necessary either.) There are other excellent improvements on the way both for CHL's and CHL instructors, but I'm not at liberty to discuss them now.
While in Austin, I also attended the hearing on the Interim Study in the House Public Safety Committee. DPS is averaging 21 days in completing applications for an initial CHL and 23 days for renewals. With the new online application processing making it impossible to submit an incomplete application, we should continue to see these excellent turnaround times. To give you an idea how the new systems and procedures have helped with processing, DPS has not had any temporary employees in the CHL division since the 4th quarter of 2009, yet they are able to achieve a 21 day turnaround on applications.
I want to thank the folks at DPS for their ongoing efforts to streamline the process and to work with us in making changes that are beneficial to everyone. The new crew at DPS, including the new Col., have been wonderful to work with and they have taken our suggestions and comments seriously. But I don't want to leave the impression that all of the process changes were our ideas; DPS has done an excellent job of analyzing every aspect of their procedures. They have done away with unnecessary procedures without jeopardizing the integrity of the program and they have revamped their entire operation to make it much more efficient and cost effective. I'd like to give the names of the folks responsible for these sweeping changes, but I have not be given clearance to do so. Perhaps I can at some point in the future.
The May 1st changes are excellent and they will make a very positive impact on CHL application processing, but as I said earlier, there are other very good changes coming in future months. These future changes will help both CHL's and instructors. (Instructors, if you like doing away with the TR-100's, you're going to love Phase II!)