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by mgood
Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:25 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: No Warrant? No Exigent circumstances? No Problem
Replies: 35
Views: 6571

Re: No Warrant? No Exigent circumstances? No Problem

baldeagle wrote:
mgood wrote:Yeah, I remember a story (from Florida, maybe?) where a man was shot by LEOs when he reached in his pocket and pulled out his wallet. They said that the black wallet, seen edge on, looked like the slide of a pistol coming up. I can understand that perception and can hardly fault the officers in that tragedy.
If you want to know how really hard that is to do, try this. I've gone through it over ten times, and I still suck.
That's cool!
515 on my first try. Only shot one good guy. :oops: (Does it bother you that you're supposed to shoot everyone with a gun, even though few, if any, of them are pointing it at you? Fun game, but I think there's a bit of the "only bad guys have guns" attitude in it's design.) I was too slow a few times.
by mgood
Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:32 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: No Warrant? No Exigent circumstances? No Problem
Replies: 35
Views: 6571

Re: No Warrant? No Exigent circumstances? No Problem

WildBill wrote:
Excaliber wrote:
Fangs wrote:That man is soooooo lucky they didn't shoot him dead when he reached for his cell phone. :shock:

Quite possibly his worst decision of his life. If LEOs have guns on me I am keeping my hands up until they cuff me, or specifically tell me otherwise.
:iagree: I can't figure out what he was trying to accomplish with that move. It certainly escalated the pucker factor for no apparent gain.
It was a very stupid and dangerous move. I believe that he was trying to show the LEOs that it wasn't a concealed gun.
Yeah, I remember a story (from Florida, maybe?) where a man was shot by LEOs when he reached in his pocket and pulled out his wallet. They said that the black wallet, seen edge on, looked like the slide of a pistol coming up. I can understand that perception and can hardly fault the officers in that tragedy.

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