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by dws1117
Fri Oct 21, 2005 8:17 am
Forum: Reloading Forum
Topic: Why Reload
Replies: 30
Views: 8832

6. Cheap Christmas presents for Son & Son-in-Law.
Need another son? :lol: :D :lol:
by dws1117
Wed Aug 10, 2005 7:12 am
Forum: Reloading Forum
Topic: Why Reload
Replies: 30
Views: 8832

Besides, it's fun to watch those completed rounds pile up.
That part is neat. I like it when the collection bin overflows.
by dws1117
Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:47 am
Forum: Reloading Forum
Topic: Why Reload
Replies: 30
Views: 8832

I got into it mainly for cost savings. .45acp is the only caliber that I reload. Cheap stuff can run $170 per 1K. My cost for 1K rnds is $105 using range brass. Most factory ammo that I've seen averages out to $200 per 1K.

The other claibers that I shoot, .22lr, 223, 7.62x39, 7.62x54R, and soon 9mm are too cheap to justify reloading.

I do want to get into a .38special setup for the dillon.

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