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by Oldgringo
Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:37 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Replies: 61
Views: 8169


The Annoyed Man wrote:I found this interesting opinion piece. I'm not sure I agree with it 100%, but the author makes some interesting points:
January 20, 2010
Brown strategist: national security the sleeper issue of the campaign (updated)
Clarice Feldman
NRO's Robert Costa interviewed Scott Brown strategist Eric Fernstrom who revealed something from their internal polls which no pundit to my knowledge has observed.

The key issue for Massachusetts voters was not healthcare or spending. It was national security and the treatment of enemy terrorists. If the White House polls bear this out, Eric Holder's decisions on trying the terrorists in civilian courts and the botched handling of the Christmas underwear bomber should mean a shake up in the Department of Justice and Homeland Security.

Is there room under the bus for Holder and Napolitano?
On the issues, "people talk about the potency of the health-care issue, but from our own internal polling, the more potent issue here in Massachusetts was terrorism and the treatment of enemy combatants," says Fehrnstrom. Health care, he says, was helpful in fundraising, but it was the campaign's focus on national security in the final week that he believes helped to give voters another issue to associate with Brown. [Emphasis supplied.]Plus, he says, Brown supported the Romney health-care plan, so he couldn't "be painted as a ‘just say no' Republican, but could articulate a message as a ‘just start over' Republican."
Even removing those two officials, however, which seems essential to get independent (and women ) voters back onboard, would hardly be enough I think to persuade them that this President and his party really get it. They are, it seems to me, wedded to a feckless series of policies which will cost them dearly at the polls.


Update: Rosslyn Smith adds:

Brown followed through on this theme of national security in his victory speech when he stated to cheers that tax dollars should pay to protect us, not pay their lawyers.

Among the many lessons for other Republicans in Brown's victory is that both parties have been losing voters to the ranks of independents because office holders in both parties have ignored the voters in favor of their own agendas once in office. Brown promised Massachusetts voters he would be independent. I think most voters consider that to mean that he'll listen to those who elected him more closely than he will listen to party bosses and lobbyists in Washington, DC. He didn't say he'll always agree, but that he'll listen and he won't sell his vote to party bosses for special favors.

The other lesson is that we need never apologize for keeping our own citizens safe. Andrew McCarthy notes that while the Bush Administration had sound policies on defense and counterterrorism, it refused to defend them vigorously. As McCarthy states:
Scott Brown went out and made the case for enhanced interrogation, for denying terrorists the rights of criminal defendants, for detaining them without trial, and for trying them by military commission. It worked. It will work for other candidates willing to get out of their Beltway bubbles.

Yes, the Left will say you are making a mockery of our commitment to "the rule of law." MSNBC will run segments on your dark conspiracies to "shred the privacy rights of Americans." The New York Times will wail that you're heedless of the damage you'll do to "America's reputation in the international community."

The answer is: So what? The people making these claims don't speak for Americans - they speak at Americans, in ever shrinking amounts. If you're going to cower from a fight with them, we don't need you. Get us a Scott Brown who'll take them on in their own backyard. And he'll take them on with confidence because he knows their contentions are frivolous - and he knows that Americans know this, too.
Thanks TAM. All of the above pretty much sums up my feelings on the election. If anyone perceives this election to be a Repub victory or a Dem defeat, they must paddle around in the shallow end of the gene pool.

I, for at least one, am sick to death of "politics as usual"! I still say fire 'em all and keep firing 'em until they get the message that they represent the people and not themselves nor their party's horsefeather agendas.
by Oldgringo
Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:31 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Replies: 61
Views: 8169


Tregs wrote:
Tireshred wrote:At the Brown rally, someone was holding up a sign that read "WA, was that LOUD enough for ya?" Gotta love it.
:iagree: "rlol" "rlol"
I hope this is indicative of the fall election.
Me too, I mostly voted for the Repubs in 2008; however,they are gonna' have to do a much, much better job with the 2010 and 2012 elections than they did in 2008 if they expect to prevail. Assuming the Repubs do prevail, I want to see some positive improvement/changes made in the way America does and does not do its business; e.g.:
  • Health care
    Financial oversight
    No wars unless we plan to win
    Immigration and borders
    Constituional amendment limiting the terms of elected AND appointed people
I could go on, but...

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