"Dang the torpedoes - full steam ahead!"

Driving in excess of the posted speed limit is a crime. If one thinks the penalties are too severe, don't do it; OR leave earlier for your destination.OldCurlyWolf wrote:15 Over can get you hauled to jail for Reckless Driving. Be careful.C-dub wrote:17 over isn't that bad. Other than anyone who might have just been taken straight to jail, my wife might have the record for a ticket at $500+ for 25+mph over in a construction zone with workers present.
I dunno'. I got a speeding ticket on the Florida Turnpike in 1985 and IIRC, I paid the $50 fine and didn't speed no more.roff wrote:do a lot of people pay for their tickets opposed to doing defensive driving, deferred adjudication, or hiring a lawyer to take care of it? i will most likely choose defensive driving to take care of this one.
It should be a pricey ticket. The speed limit is the speed limit just as much as a 30.06 sign is the CC limit.powerboatr wrote:82 in a 65![]()
geeze i bet that's a pricey ticket