Techniques. My son in law is 6'4" and has a lean but muscular build. His body is long. What I mean by this is a shirt that fits him properly, always seems to be on the short side when it comes to length. I am trying to help him figure out the best method for carrying a 4" 1911. His issues when trying on my holsters with my 1911 seem to involve his shirt always popping above his grip and snagging. The grip also seems to show through the shirt as the shirt try's to "form fit" around it.
Any suggestions would be appreciated... Pics would be great also. The more detail, the better. He really wants to carry a 1911 style so suggestions for other carry choices, while appreciated, won't be of much help.
I think it is easier to carry concealed when overweight.... LOL. At 5'10" and 250 lbs... I could hide a 12 gauge shot gun under my shirt....